
  • C


This is a school project which goal was to create a terminal game for up to 4 players using the systems programming notions learnt during the lessons : This game uses threads, mutexes, semaphores and message queues. With a classmate, we decided to create a Bomberman-like game.

//How to play

When starting the server, you can choose the number of players and the map you want to play on. Each client then needs to connect to the computer running the server via SSH.

Once all the players are connected, the game starts. Players can move their characters and see each other on the map in real time. The goal is to be the last player alive by eliminating the other players using bombs. Some bonuses can appear on the map to upgrade a player's bomb range.

//User Interface

The user interface of the game for displaying the maps, players and bombs was created using the ncurses library. Each player has a different color and are represented by their number. The walls that are breakable and not breakable also are represented by different characters and background colors.

On the right side of the screen are displayed some informations about the current game, such as the map name, the number of players alive, the coordinates of the player, the bomb range but also the key bindings.

Bombertty's terminal user interface
Bombertty's terminal user interface